Posts tagged with “dart”

Using Dart's extension types in vector_math

Using Dart's extension types in vector_math

With Dart version 3.3, the Dart team released the new language feature extension types. Extension types wrap existing Dart types and allow you to add a custom interface with your own methods around them. This is especially useful for native types like DOM element. Since they are statically typed, they allow for further performance optimizations. vector_math is a wrapper around native float list types and I want to see if extension types can be useful to reduce overhead and improve performance of critical code.

prometheus_client, a Prometheus Implementation for Dart

prometheus_client, a Prometheus Implementation for Dart

We recently released the stable 1.0.0 release of our prometheus_client package — a way to expose Prometheus metrics in your Dart application. It’s inspired by similar packages like the official client_java for Java or the community package prom_client for Node.js. We have several Microservices written in Dart where we use the package to provide observability. I want to share the experience we had while developing the package.