Posts tagged with “react”

Lessons learned from “just” replacing a CMS

Lessons learned from “just” replacing a CMS

Last year, I began the process of replacing the content management system (CMS) that powers this blog. This turned out to be a year-long journey in which I rewrote most of the blog. Surprisingly, little changed visually, as the changes happened behind the scenes. This experience serves as a reminder that projects can take a long time when you are navigating uncertainties and trying to do too much at once.

react-beautiful-dnd is ugly

react-beautiful-dnd is ugly

react-beautiful-dnd is a great package for building complex drag and drop behaviors of lists. If you want to reorder the items in a list or move them between lists, this is the go-to package. But the package has a problem: Atlassian has limited its maintenance to security fixes.

Become a Testing Library expert using the Testing Playground

Become a Testing Library expert using the Testing Playground

If you are using react and test your components (you should!), then you are probably using the Testing Library. Testing helps to be confident that your components work as expected — especially in corner cases that are harder to test manually. The learning curve for a library can be steep, but doesn’t have to!