Posts tagged with “security”

Choosing dependencies – Snyk Advisor

Choosing dependencies – Snyk Advisor

I recently wrote about my indicators that I use while choosing dependencies in the NPM ecosystem. After writing the post I thought, can you automate these steps to provide a quick view on package health? One tool that does that is the Snyk Advisor. I tried the advisor and want to summarize my experience.

Carefully choosing Open-Source dependencies

Carefully choosing Open-Source dependencies

Open-Source software brings great opportunities through a huge ecosystem of reusable packages. The NPM ecosystem grows by millions of packages each year. With so many packages, there is one for everything! There are central server packages like express, famous UI frameworks like react, widely used build tools like @babel/core, or helpful utilities like lodash. But there are also very specific packages solving niche problems, like a video container format writer based on JSX or an xkcd API client. But not every package is a good pick, often they turn out as a bad choice later on. To avoid regrets when choosing Open-Source dependencies, here are some points to consider.